The Secretary-General of the United Nations highlights the importance of young people in shaping a better future for everyone. He acknowledges that the world is currently facing various crises, such as conflicts, climate change, poverty, inequality, and discrimination, and believes that young people have a significant stake in addressing these challenges with bold solutions.
The Youth2030 strategy, launched by the UN five years ago, aims to guide joint action with and for young people until the end of the decade. The third progress report on this strategy indicates positive results, with 55 UN entities and 131 UN Country Teams actively supporting youth programming in collaboration with governments and civil society globally.
To further enhance youth engagement, the UN is establishing a new United Nations Youth Office within the UN Secretariat, with a focus on advocacy, coordination, and accountability for and with young people. The Secretary-General also emphasizes the need for meaningful youth participation in decision-making processes, both at national and international levels.
In April, a policy brief was published by the Secretary-General, advocating for a global standard for meaningful youth engagement. The brief suggests establishing national youth consultative bodies and a UN Youth Townhall to foster youth participation in intergovernmental mechanisms and decision-making processes.
The Secretary-General expresses hope for the future, citing the upcoming Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit and the Summit of the Future as crucial opportunities to advance efforts in achieving the SDGs. He finds inspiration in the ideas and energy demonstrated by young people and believes that their contributions can help put the world back on track towards achieving sustainable development goals.