Distinguished Women’s Health Advocate, Dr. Asha Vijay Sakolkar, Shaping a Brighter Future through Social Work

Dr. Mrs. Asha Vijay Sakolkar, a prominent Consulting Gynecologist based in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, has made substantial contributions to women’s health and social welfare during her illustrious career spanning more than two decades. Her journey from a small town in Latur to becoming an exemplary figure in the field of healthcare and social work is nothing short of inspiring.

Dr. Asha Vijay Sakolkar has demonstrated a relentless commitment to her community and profession. She completed her medical education, earning M.B.B.S. and D.G.O. qualifications, before embarking on her remarkable career as a Consulting Gynecologist in Aurangabad.

Dr. Asha Vijay Sakolkar’s professional journey is a testament to her dedication and passion for women’s health. She has served as the Project Director for the Sanjeevani Health Card project, the first of its kind in Maharashtra, aimed at preventing maternal mortality and morbidity. Additionally, she has successfully managed Sakolkar Hospital & Sonography Centre for over two decades.Her influence extends beyond the confines of her medical practice in areas of her interests viz: Education, Renewable Energy, Environment, Women Empowerment and Health. She has served as Chairperson of Science, Technology and Environment Cell of Maharastra government. Dr. Sakolkar serves as the Managing Director of Sakolkar Life Sciences & Research Centre, where she continues to push the boundaries of medical research. She has also established the Menopause Clinic, the first in the Marathwada region, catering to the unique healthcare needs of women aged 40 and above.

Furthermore, Dr. Sakolkar’s contributions to stem cell therapy and child brain stimulation through the Sakolkar Stem Cell Therapy Centre and Child Brain Stimulation Centre have made her a recognized authority in the field.

Her impact goes beyond local and regional boundaries. Dr. Asha Vijay Sakolkar has held the position of National Coordinator for the Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI) and played a crucial role in the “Save the Girl Child Project” under FOGSI, empowering adolescent girls.

She has also chaired several significant medical conferences and societies, including the All India Conference of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2005, where she served as Vice President.

Dr. Sakolkar’s dedication to social causes is equally remarkable. She has chaired the Medical Advisory Board of the Marathwada Education Society and is an active member of the Sawali Niwara Sanstha N.G.O., which focuses on the welfare of destitute women. Her involvement in the Advisory Board of St. Meera High School showcases her commitment to education.

In addition to her medical services, Dr. Sakolkar has organized numerous camps for the detection and treatment of anemia in adolescent girls, contributing to the prevention of maternal mortality and morbidity. She has also been a guest speaker at programs organized by the Central Social Welfare Board for Women.

Dr. Asha Vijay Sakolkar’s tireless efforts have been recognized with several prestigious awards. She has been honored with the “Bharat Gaurav Award” sponsored by the National Integration & Economic Council, New Delhi, as well as the Best Lady Member Award from the Giants International. The “Marathwada Yuva Puraskar,” sponsored by the Indian Institute of Youth Affairs, further underlines her contributions.

Dr. Mrs. Asha Vijay Sakolkar’s legacy in the fields of healthcare and social work is an inspiration to all. Her dedication, compassion, and relentless pursuit of excellence have made her a respected figure in both the medical and social sectors. She stands as a shining example of what one individual can achieve through their unwavering commitment to the betterment of society.